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About Me

Hi, my name is Hailey McBride and I am a senior at Ravenwood High School! This website is all about my journey through extracurriculars and digital art. I love being involved, and I have always been a creative person: I craft, sew, design, etc., but I didn't really have a solid basis for digital design until this year when I walked in Mrs. Watts' Digital Arts and Design class. Once I began working on projects, I saw a brand new way to stand out in my work and with my ideas, and all of this learning has shown me the amazing amount of ways that I will be able to use digital art for the rest of my life.

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National English Honor Society

I have been involved in National English Honor Society (NEHS) for two years, and have been able to grow my communication and leadership skills. Currently serving as President, I have found in NEHS an even greater appreciation for English as well as a path to my future career in Event Planning by showing every aspect of working in a collaborative environment. I love being able to make a difference in my community with one of my favorite events being our annual charity book drive in which I have designed many marketing tools (flyers, powerpoints, etc.) that have refined our honor society's look.

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Marching Band

Being the band has been one of the most enlightening experiences that I have ever gone through. Teaching me both how to deal with long term relationships as well as how to lead a team, I gained a wealth of knowledge as I progressed from freshman to a section leader. Marching band also taught me the hard lesson of working under a higher authority, but not allowing myself to get lost in the shuffle. I found through this experience a strength in myself that I didn't realize I possessed, but that I will forever use in pushing myself to success.

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Youth Leadership Brentwood

Youth Leadership Brentwood is a local program that empowers young leaders and emphasizes the importance of strong leadership. I had the amazing opportunity to not only go through this program once as a participant, but another time as a mentor for the following class of leaders. This program was life-changing and gave me the skills that I will use for the rest of my life such as effective communication,

successful collaboration, and ways to separate myself from the crowd, all of which I use on a daily basis. For example, my ability to bring people together was established in this program and has been used to encourage conversation in classrooms, empower me to use the digital tools at my disposal for positive change, and to show me the benefits of taking initiative to start something new even if it is going to be difficult.

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Future Plans

Senior year is easily one of the most exciting and stressful journeys from the first senior sunrise to imagining what comes next. For me that is Hospitality Management with a focus in Event Planning at Auburn University! After going through programs like Youth Leadership Brentwood and participating in Marching Band and NEHS, I realized that I wanted to spend my life doing something purposeful, something that would combine my love for creativity and design with my desire to bring people joy. This led to my future major in Hospitality. I am so excited to start this new chapter using design and leadership to leave a positive mark on the world.

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Design and Photography

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My journey was not done alone, so this page gives a list of people and things that have helped me reach where I am with digital art!

  • Thank you to Mrs. Watts who taught me most of what I know about digital art!
  • Google Images were used for my spliced apple/rose project (all photoshopping is my original work)
Gadget Mockup Frames Laptop